"Lothian WiFi. Controllable systems for hotels and public sharing"


Have a WifI in your business that you want to share with the public?

Ibiza CCTVWe can offer a very easy to use system where you give you clients a time limited voucher to access your WiFi. This way, you won't have people sitting in your cafe/shop whatever sipping on one Cafe latte for 4 hours.


Controllable Access

It is a very simple system. Just hand your client a voucher and they have access for 15/20/30 mins, you can also set it to any time or amount of days you want.
Clients do not need to know your WiFi password, the voucher is a ONE TIME ONE COMPUTER (or other device) system. So nobody can tell others how to illegally access your system.

Worried that they will use all your bandwidth?
No problem, the system can restrict the bandwidth of clients and allow you to use YOUR network for business.
This system is also very secure, as clients do not have access to your private network.


This system is so easy to use, even your non I.T. savvy staff can use it. Or we can print you a bunch of vouchers which will last all year..



Did you know, most WiFi systems are unsecure and people can access your files and passwords? We can secure your network and protect you from identitiy theft.


WiFi Everywhere

With the addition of some hardware, we can extend your WiFi to reach anywhere in the building or grounds.
Ideal systems for hotels, apartment blocks, villas and many more applications.

Simple admin Panel (click image larger)

Admin Panel


Lothian Computer Services